Chapter 4, Class Exercise (Solved)

(Marta Alarcón & Jorge Moreno)

Here you can find the solution to the class exercise:

Process Focus

The job at the workshops is a strategy they provide a high degree of product flexibility as products move between processes. The process is designed to perform a wide variety of activities and handle frequent changes.

Repetitive Focus

Both in McDonald and Harley Davidson we find a repetitive focus strategy. The repetitive process is the classic assembly line. Widely used in the assembly of virtually all automobiles and fast food companies, it has more structure and consequently less flexibility.

Product Focus

The production of light-bulbs and soft-drinks are based on a product focus strategy because this facilities are organized around products; a product-oriented, high-volume, low-variety process. Also this facilities are organized around products. They are also called continuous processes, because they have very long, continuous production runs.

Mass Customization

Nike online store is a clear example of mass customization, because it is a rapid, low-cost production that caters to constantly changing unique customer desires. The operations have improved product quality while reducing costs and  consequently, the variety of products continues to grow.

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